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Moving Parents Into Assisted Living: A Comprehensive Checklist

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A man helping his older adult father carry a moving box.

As our loved ones age, the decision to transition them into assisted living can cause an emotional response to the changes and unfamiliar territory. 

Whether it’s due to declining health, safety concerns, or the need for specialized care, moving parents into assisted living requires careful planning and consideration. To make sure that the transition is as smooth as possible, it’s important to have a comprehensive checklist in place. 

Luna Senior Living offers our take on what you should have on that checklist, including:

  • Researching your options
  • Assessing your parents’ needs
  • Making sure that you’re financially prepared
  • Decluttering and downsizing tips
  • Creating a moving plan for the big day
  • Settling all legal, financial, and medical affairs
  • Providing emotional support as needed
  • Helping to personalize their new space
  • Always staying involved and engaged

Transitioning to assisted living can be a fun and unique change, especially when your loved one gets settled in and can explore their new community and the services and experiences offered! 

Research & Explore Options

Start by conducting an in-depth search and selecting the ideal assisted living community for your family member. Consider key aspects such as: 

  • The community’s location
  • The ratio of staff to residents
  • The standard of care provided
  • The amenities offered
  • The overall cost 

It’s wise to arrange visits and consultations with prospective communities to better understand their environments and determine whether they align with your loved one’s needs.

Assess Your Parents’ Needs

Evaluating your parents’ current health condition, their ability to move around, and any specific care needs is an important step when helping them move into an assisted living community. This assessment isn’t just about ticking boxes; it’s about understanding the full scope of their daily lives and how their health impacts their independence. 

If mobility is becoming a hurdle, they’ll likely need a place offering more hands-on support, possibly with equipment or therapy services. But if they’re still pretty agile, a community with more independence could be a better match.

Reviewing their care requirements is also essential. This includes everything from managing medications and personal care routines to accommodating dietary needs and managing other health conditions. Each factor plays a massive role in determining the level of assistance they’ll require.

Financial Planning

Navigating the finances of assisted living requires a strategic approach, considering the monthly expenses, which average around $4,500, according to the National Council on Aging. The key to managing these costs lies in detailed financial planning.

While financing assisted living may appear daunting, exploring available resources, including long-term care insurance, government programs, and veterans’ benefits, can illuminate a viable path forward. 

Declutter & Downsize

Moving to a smaller living space may require downsizing. Help your parents by being organized in your approach; tackle one room at a time, sorting items into categories like keep, donate, or sell. 

This process can be emotional. Respect your family members’ emotions and needs throughout the downsizing process. Take all the time you need, but account for this. Above all, be patient with yourself and with those you love.

Create a Moving Plan

Creating a detailed moving plan will help streamline the process and make sure that the day goes smoothly. The plan should include tasks, timelines, and responsibilities. Arrange for movers or enlist family and friends to help pack and move belongings. 

Determine a timeline for the move, including important dates such as lease or contract signing, moving day, and transition to the assisted living community. 

Settle Legal, Financial, & Medical Affairs

It’s always important to make sure relevant parties and services, such as your bank, utility companies, and the government, have your new address. It’s also important to review legal documents such as wills, powers of attorney, and advance directives. 

Transfer medical records and prescriptions to the new assisted living community. Inform all healthcare providers of the move and provide any necessary documentation or authorizations.

Emotional Support

A woman hugging her senior mother from behind.

Moving into assisted living can be emotionally challenging for your loved one and your family. Remember to be open and supportive; offer emotional support and reassurance throughout the transition. You might also want to consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor to help cope with the transition. 

Additionally, involve your loved one in discussions about the move to maintain their sense of autonomy. Encourage open communication and validate your parents’ feelings.

Personalize the New Space

Help your parents personalize their new living space to make it feel like home. Bring familiar belongings, photos, and keepsakes to create a comfortable and familiar environment. You can encourage them to design something new and help them determine their style, incorporate personal touches, and consider functionality.

At Luna Senior Living, we encourage families to collaborate on designing their family members’ new space. 

Stay Involved & Engaged

After the move, stay involved in your parents’ care and well-being. Visit regularly, participate in activities together, and communicate regularly with the staff to meet their needs. After all, connection and keeping in touch are important parts of everyone’s daily lives. 

Navigating the Transition with Care & Compassion

Moving parents into assisted living is a significant life transition that requires careful planning, emotional support, and empathy. By following this comprehensive checklist and working together as a family, you can help make sure that it is a smooth and successful transition for your loved ones.Luna Senior Living is here to help out in any way we can, offering resources, helpful staff, and wonderful accommodations. We encourage you to reach out and book a tour to see what we offer!

Written by
Angela Clark

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Angela Clark

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  • 30 Peck Rd- Unit 2105
  • Torrington, CT 06790

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  • Monday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: By appointment only
  • Sunday: By appointment only

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