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How Often Should You Visit Your Parents in Assisted Living?

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If you’re feeling guilty about visiting your parents in their assisted living community, you’re not alone. Many people wonder how often is too often or how little is too little when wondering how often they should visit. A move into assisted living is a significant change for everyone, and finding the right balance between giving your parents space and ensuring they feel connected can be tricky.

Finding a “sweet spot” is important for several reasons. Visits are important and provide many benefits, but they can also be overstimulating or disruptive to your parents’ routines

There is no set rule for how often you should visit your parents in assisted living, but it’s essential to find a healthy balance that works for your family.

Why Visiting Is Beneficial

Frequent visits can have numerous benefits for both you and your parents. For one, regular visits can help boost moods by providing your parents’ with a sense of connection and support from their loved ones. This is especially important if your parent is struggling with the transition to assisted living.

Visiting regularly allows you to stay involved in your parents’ life and be updated on any changes or concerns they may have, which can help you address issues promptly and provide the necessary support for your parent.

Visits are also an opportunity for you to maintain a strong relationship with your parent. As they age, it’s important for them to feel loved and supported, and frequent visits can help reinforce this bond. 

Every individual is different, and while some may enjoy more frequent visits, others may prefer a more hands-off approach. It’s important to respect your parents’ wishes.

Consider Their Health

If your parent has chronic illnesses or needs regular medical attention, more frequent visits can be beneficial. They’ll allow you to monitor their well-being and stay in touch with caregivers for updates or concerns. However, if they’re relatively healthy and independent, they might prefer less frequent visits to maintain their space.

Consider Their Preferences

Open communication is key. Do your parents crave frequent, short visits or longer ones spaced further apart? Respecting their wishes helps ensure they feel connected without feeling overwhelmed.

Consider Their Level of Care

Parents living independently might not want you to visit too often. However, those in assisted living or memory care may benefit from more frequent visits so you can offer reassurance and ensure their needs are met.

Drawbacks of Infrequent Visits

Infrequent visits or lack of communication can have negative effects on your parents and their overall well-being. Some drawbacks include:

  • Feelings of loneliness and isolation, leading to depression and other mental health issues.
  • Difficulty tracking changes in your parents’ needs or health, making it harder to ensure they’re receiving the appropriate care.
  • A disconnect between your family and the assisted living community, leading to misunderstandings or conflicts.

Quality Over Quantity

Ultimately, the most important factor in determining how often to visit your parents in assisted living is the quality of the time you spend together. 

It’s better to have fewer but more meaningful and engaging visits than frequent but rushed ones. Make the most out of your time together by planning activities or outings that both you and your parent enjoy. This will not only create cherished memories but also improve their overall well-being.

Stay Connected

An older adult woman waving to someone she's on a video call with.

Even if you can’t physically visit your parents as often as you’d like, you can stay connected with regular phone calls, video chats, and sending letters or care packages. These acts will help your parents feel loved and connected to their family.

Trust the Community Staff

Assisted living communities employ trained and caring staff who are there to support your parents’ needs. It’s important to trust in their expertise and allow them to do their jobs. Regular communication with the staff can also give you peace of mind and keep you updated on your parents’ well-being.

Balancing Visits With Respect for Boundaries

While regular visits are important, respecting the boundaries your parents and the assisted living community set is essential. It’s crucial to communicate with both parties and understand their expectations and limitations. 

Some ways to find a balance include:

  • Scheduling visits at convenient times for both your parents and the community.
  • Being mindful of your parents’ preferences and needs, such as their energy levels or health conditions.
  • Expressing concerns or issues with the staff respectfully.
  • Showing appreciation for the staff and their efforts in caring for your loved ones.
  • Staying updated on any policies or procedures in the community and following them accordingly.

Enhancing Visits to Parents in Assisted Living With Luna Senior Living

Visiting parents in assisted living requires finding a balance between quantity and quality. Stay connected with regular communication, trust the staff, and most importantly, follow your parents’ wishes. Remember to make the most out of your time together.

At Luna Senior Living, we understand the importance of family and strive to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for residents and their loved ones. Contact us today to learn more about our assisted living community and schedule a visit with your parents. We look forward to meeting you! 

Written by
Angela Clark

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Angela Clark

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  • Torrington, CT 06790

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  • Monday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
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